Friday, November 21, 2008


Is the last day of our training for editors and lectuarers of Journalism and Mass Comunication. It is my pleasure to thank Misa Tanzania and VIKES foundation for prepaire this five days workshop about computer Network.

The workshop prepation was good as well as coordinator as concerned things made me to learn more about computer Network as well as blog developing, host and feed it.

My request is to make sure even reporters get this course so as to generate their skills about computor network and make communication easy as posible.

I would like to thank our consultant Mr. Peik Johansson for being a wonderfully teacher and I hope he has tolerated some of us for being stubborn during the whole workshop. I leant a lot from him and I promise him that I will try to follow his step by keeping my blog active even after the workshop.

Aslo I thank Mr Maggid Mjengwa for emphasise to us the importance of hosting the blog for the benefit of reserve important information and pictures at large.

I congratulate my fellow workshop participants for good work and cooperation all the workshop time.

I want to remind my fellow editors and teachers to avoid plagiarism. As our lecturer reminded us, plagiarism is bad; it can damage our profession as well as our jobs.

Friday, November 14, 2008

China Violation

Ndio maisha mdogo wangu!!!!!!!!!!!

Human rights Vs Olympic
Some few days before the starting of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing China, The Chinese authorities says that allowing Beijing to host the Games would help the development of human rights according to an Amnesty International report.

The report evaluates that there was hoped that the Games would act as a catalyst for reform but much of the current wave of repression against activists and journalists is occurring not in spite of, but actually because of the Olympics.

Positive changes such as a reform of the death penalty system and a greater reporting freedom for foreign journalists have been overshadowed by stalled reform of detention without trial, repression of human rights defenders and internet censorship.

The report also highlights the Chinese authorities’ recent crackdown on protesters in Tibet, which has led to serious human rights violations since 10 March 2008. Chinese authorities have resorted to measures that are reported to have included unnecessary and excessive use of force, including lethal force, arbitrary detentions and intimidation.

Hundreds of people have been detained in response to the unrest. They could face torture and other ill-treatment by China’s security forces, especially those accused of separatist activities.

In the run-up to the Olympics the media blackout on Tibet and the surrounding areas has not only made it difficult to confirm reports, but is a betrayal of official promises to ensure complete media freedom.

In China too, many activists are held as prisoners of conscience after politically motivated trials. Growing numbers are kept under house arrest. Broad and vaguely defined crimes against national security, such as separatism, subversion and stealing state secrets, are used to prosecute those engaged in legitimate and peaceful human rights activities.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Hivi ndivyo ilivyokuwa wakati wahariri na walimu wakielimishwa kuhusu tovuti na Mwezeshaji kutoka Finland Peik Johansson ambaye hayuko kwenye picha.

Jana ilikuwa ni siku nzuri tena kwa wahariri na walimu kutoka vyuo mbalimbali vya uandishi wa habari wanaoendelea kupata mafunzo kuhusu kompyuta katika Chuo cha Usimamizi wa fedha (IFM) jijini Dar Es Salaam. Tunaishukuru MISA-Tanzania na Mfuko wa kuendeleza vyombo vya habari (VIKES foundation) kwa kuandaa mafunzo ya kompyuta ya siku tano kwa wahariri na walimu. Mwezeshaji alikuwa ni Peik Johansson, mwandishi wa habari kutoka VIKES foundation.

Tuliweza kujifunza changamoto mbalimbali zinazovikabili vyombo vya habari ikiwemo ukosefu wa fedha kwa ajili ya kuendesha vyombo vya habari, uongozi mbovu na mishahara midogo hali inayosababisha baadhi ya waandishi kujiingiza kwenye vitendo vya rushwa na kukiuka maadili ya kazi yao.

Ili kukabiliana na changamoto hizo Serikali na Taasisi zinapaswa kutafuta wafadhili au kutoa ruzuku kwa vyombo vya habari ili viweze kujiendesha na kufikia malengo iliyojiwekea. Wahariri kwa upande wao wanatakiwa kuhakikisha vichwa vya habari na picha vinawavutia wasomaji na watazamaji ili kuweza kupata soko.

Aidha wamiliki wa vyombo vya habari wanatakiwa kuwaendeleza wafanyakazi wao kielimu ili waweze kufanya kazi zao kwa ufanisi zaidi ikiwa ni pamoja na kuwalipa mishahara ya kutosha kukithi mahitaji yao ya kila siku kufuatia kupanda kwa gharama za maisha.

Vilevile tuliweza kutembelea tovuti za hapa nchini ikiwemo tovuti ya raia mwema, Daily News,,,,,, na

Pia tuliweza kutembelea tovuti za waandishi wa habari wa kimataifa mfano,, Daily Nation from Kenya, Mail & Guardian online,, Africa Journals online, Global voices wiki, Hello in many languages na

Hata hivyo tuliweza pia kutembelea tovuti za waandishi mbalimbali wa vitabu kama vile African literature &writers.

Nimejifunza kuwa kupitia mtandao tunaweza kupata taarifa mbalimbali kuhusiana na safari, hali ya hewa, benki, marais, kusikiliza muziki na miji ya nchi mbalimbali.

Tunatakiwa sisi kama wahariri wa habari kuhakikisha habari zinazoandikwa zinawavutia wasomaji ili tuweze kupata soko ndani na nje ya nchi.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Waandishi wa habari wakijadiliana jambo fulani nyumbani kwa Balozi wa Finland.
The challenges that media face
Hellow ladies and gentlemen, I come before you today with the best of intentions.
Today there are more 20 daily newspapers, more than six televisions stations and more than 30 radio like Radio Mlimani, Radio Upendo and Wapo Radio which used to disseminate information to the public.

The major problem facing the media especial in Tanzania are capital for running media, poor management, incompetent workers, low income, poor govern policy.
The reporters in Tanzania are paid very low salary thus why few of the are engaged in corruption so that they can survivor.

We need to realize our generation of people accessing news and information whether from newspaper or any other source has a different set of expectations about the kind of news they will get, including when and how they will get it, where they will get it from.

There are dramatic revolutions taking place in the newsroom business today. Media is the alternative way to great the audience through telephones, email and internet.

The owner of the Media houses in Tanzania need assistant from the goverment and other institution to run media. Even the editors have to change the way they write and edit their stories.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


What we learnt on November 10, 2008

I have learnt how to book tickets in different ways of transport by using train or air ways.
I learnt how to visit different website and how to get information from it, how to download books and other useful material for public and private use.

Also I learnt how to create blogs and developing it by feeding different information so people can benefit by accessing information.
As long as I’m the editor I benefited a lot because it can help me to have wide range of accessing information on my day to day activities.

My Expectations:
My expectations is to get a knowledge on creating blogs, visiting different websites to access information and taught my fellow reporter in my office.
I expect to increase friends from this workshop which may help me a lot in different ways on performing my tasks.

I expect to build good relationship from my office to MISA-Tanzania and VIKES foundation. This relation can benefit a lot my office by sharing things with VIKES foundation and MISA-Tanzania.

Monday, November 10, 2008

about myself

Iam Jacqueline Maro work with Upendo fm Redio as a News Assistant Editor.
Upendo fm Redio is under Evangelical Lutheran Church established in 2004.

I choose to be a journalist because I want to educate, entertain and inform people about what is going on inside and outside the country.

How can journalist benefit by using internet
We use internet for international news, sending stories to the media house, searching materials for preparing some programs, play games, listen bbc news, communicate with other media house and source.